To create and install Facebook App on your RetargetKit account, please follow the instructions given below:

  1. Sign In to your Facebook Developer account. Then click on the Create App under My Apps menu.

  2. Now, you have to create a new app by providing your Brand Name and Email Address.

  3. Then choose Facebook Login.

  4. Select WWW as the app platform.

  5. Enter your Custom Domain URL. Don’t forget to use https://

  6. Click on the Facebook Login App Settings.

  7. Now, you have to provide valid OAuth redirect URLs for your Facebook login app. So, Enter your custom domain & URL. Don’t forget to append /oauth/facebook after your custom domain & URL. I.e: & Please replace with your domain name.

  8. We are almost done. Now, you have to set up your branded app. To do this, click on Basic under the Settings menu.

  9. Enter your Brand Name, Privacy Policy URL, and Brand Logo. Then press the Save Changes button.

  10. After that, copy the App ID and App Secret.

  11. Then make your App Live.
  12. Now, back to RetargetKit and fill up create New Social App form as screenshot given below: